Reducing Heat, Glare, and Energy Tacoma Public Utilities

For a several months Tacoma Public Utilities has been searching for a solution to resolve the issue of aging Window Film, Glare, and heat – all while finding a solution that is uniform and aesthetically pleasing.

As you can see we installed some samples for them to mull over and get a feel for and compare. The goal was to rid the offices of excessive heat and glare causing eye strain and fatigue. At the same time living in beautiful Western Washington and using Window Film can mean a darker office, which is what they did NOT want. So we really pushed for Ceramic 30 a great balance of clarity, solar control and a overall natural look. Which also brings up “Building Aesthetics.” Over the years TPU has had film hear and there, all different from the last, some reflective some bronze some grey. They wanted something that we could use everywhere on the building that would not change the appearance of the building and we could avoid the Checker Board look (that is when a building has had so many film installs and different types the building looks like a checker board). This film is less reflective then the glass itself, so no added “mirror appearance”.

Additionally it works to save energy. Window Tinting is a cheaper alternative to buying “energy windows”. This film can reduce upwards of 10 degrees, which in turn reduces the energy used to cool the building.


If you are interested in Solar Control Window Film, Reducing Glare, Heat or Energy Call us 800.404.3695 or visit

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